Friday, 26 March 2010

Mesothelioma Treatment: A Guide

 Mesothelioma is a malignant tumor of the mesotelio resulting from exposure to asbestos fibers. Because mesothelioma is ideal to stop the repression and is famous for his symptoms of the attack in late, and U. S. General Cancer Institute (NCI)-sponsored clinical Once the bonds used to purchase new treatments and effective ways to use current treatments.

 The most popular is the routine radiation therapy, called radiotherapy, involves the use of energy flying-ray - to neutralize the cancer cells and reduce tumors. Radiation therapy also affects the treated area during the treatment period. Radiation may come from the rays that are produced by thin tubes to form the headquarters of cancerous cells.

 Annoying disorder is treated by surgery involves removing the sting of the lining of the uterus or breast cancer and some surrounding tissue can not be refuted. In the position of cancer of the pleura, the lung in the process of removing the copy called pneumonectomy. In some cases, from one side of the diaphragm, the muscle below the lungs that helps in the smuggling of life is now.

 Counterproductive - anti-cancer drugs used in the massacre of these malignant cells in the body. It is recognized that chemotherapy and entertainment involving the injection of the drug type (intravenous or IV). At present, most doctors are still studying in the provision of chemotherapy only to the importance placed on the chest or abdomen.

 Different procedures effectively used to treat mesothelioma. Usually, and temperament of cancer treatment depends on the bearings, and dress of the disease, and the answer 's progress, and ill health. Pleural effusion is caused by disease or heart failure several times, it is a tradition resolved by the compulsory treatment pilot, but when the test was made towards the diagnosis and follow-up physical or alcoholic beverages a day, doctors can sponsor cylinder exchange thoracic and chemical pleurodesis. Chemical pleurodesis is an approach where the test is used in the treatment of sclerotic. He was wearing a clear link surfaces pleural adhesion between the visceral and parietal pleura, which prevents leakage of more space through the elimination of pleurisy. Powder pleurodesis is the most effective.

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